Richard Mille - RM059 Yohan Blake FC/RU Yellow Custom Movt
Richard Mille - RM059 Yohan Blake FC/RU Yellow Custom Movt
RM059 Yohan BlakeForged Carbon Case
MOVEMENT: Custom Modified Japanese 6T51 movementwith Skeletonal Dial look and modified bridges/platesCASEDIAMETER: 43mmTHICKNESS: 17mm DIALCOLOR: CustomMade Skeletonal Dial with inner Yellow BezelCASEMATERIAL: FullForged Carbon Case with unique print like genuine BRACELET: Black Rubber Strap with DeployantBuckleFRONTGLASS: Sapphire CrystalBACKGLASS: DisplayCase back with Detailed EngravingBEZEL: Yellow Inner BezelCLASPTYPE: DeployantBuckleOTHER REMARKS:Waterproofedtested to 30m direct from Factory